Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Becoming the thing we abhor

This one will be quick, but good. I gotta run to work here in 4 min. So talking with a friend yesterday we came up with the idea why many Christians don't smoke, drink, or even hang out in social contexts with non-believers. A spirit-filled life lived under God's grace and sovereignty is what I seek. The problem with telling yourself no to all of these things, even if done under moderation is troubling to me. I believe that they are scared that they would let themselves fall victim to temptations, thus not trusting themselves. I believe this goes deeper into the fact that they don't trust the Holy Spirit to guide them, thus leading their own decision making to replace God. They themselves a created an idol while all the while trying to stay away from one. Idolatry in it's simplest, and most hidden form. I do not believe that giving into everything is beneficial, Paul even talks about this, but did not Jesus drink with pharisees and "sinners." Don't forget you were a sinner condemned to die before you trusted Jesus with your life. I would ask that believers everywhere live like you were condemned, but also redeemed by the Blood of Jesus, so that Grace may about in you. Don't replace the spirit with yourself. Trust God, and if you truly love and follow him your life will show the fruits, of his work on the cross through your life.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Benjamin MFk'n Franklin

So Daylight savings time crept up on me today like a bum in an alley. Apparently, you have to get up an hour earlier for work. Guess I didn't get the memo. Daylight savings time, the actual switch not the day, is one of my favorite concepts ever. Not only does it screw with your head, and all the watches and clocks in the house, but it also lends time for a longer work day. The one benefit that I found is that it helps give someone one more hour a day to fish. Now to some of you this might be trivial, but the pursuit of more time to fish, is an amiable one to me. Every year we hear talk about ending this time saving concept, and every year because of people like me, we do not. Now the idea of allowing a longer work day, within this horrible economic recession seems almost counterproductive. I would like to argue the fact that this recession is a great thing. Not only does it allow for less endeavors that require money, but also lends a helping hand to require more time given for local activities. These activities might actually give those who are not socially inclined more time to spend with friends, family, and new relationships. As this recession draws on, and the time of day, theoretically is increased, it also increases the amount of time for drinking. Now I don't drink a lot, but for those who find solace in the bottom of an alcoholic beverage, this might seem to be a benefit. The problem is the poor become poorer without a savior and the sun stays in the sky longer, taunting them. For those who. deal or whom have dealt with depression this may be a good thing depending on which USGA zone you are in. For those in the northwest this may lead to more foggy windows as you watch the rain fall. For me, I enjoy more sun, more fishing, and more time with friends. In my honest opinion daylight savings time, Created by the blogs title, is one of the more beneficial time practices we have. For those who don't like it, well quite frankly you can suck it. I'm out

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Introduction to Introspection on Ideologies

Welcome to my blog. Thought I would create something outside the realm of the networking oligopolies. The nature of these mass networking giants makes information almost inclusive in essence to the very abstract idea of sharing information to a broad audience. What I want to talk about will most likely be about events in my life and the affect of the aftershocks to both myself and those (nouns) who are involved. For those who don't know that I've moved, well there you have it, I no longer reside in Oregon. The change has been refreshing, almost like a late spring rain. I can smell it, taste it, and sense that the changing of the seasons is upon my life. For those that want an update, check in here periodically and I'll try to capture a piece of beautiful place. It has only rained once in two months, and snows at least once a week. The coffee bar I work at is truly a great place blessing in my life, and I thank God for that. As the season begins to turn I look forward to new experiences, new friendships, and a growth in my life that I haven't seen for quite some time. For those I left in OR, I will return, just not sure when. I want to thank you for being a part of my life, and I know life would not be nearly as joyful without you. To my Multnomah family, you have seen the best and worst in my life, and for those who cared what I shared, and prayed for me I thank you greatly. I was but a raindrop falling from the sky, dripping through the mud soaked earth on my way to this beautiful mountain stream. That period of time was tough, but it is just another cycle of life, and this next cycle will be all too exciting. I will continue to update this when I get a chance. Hope all is well and if you'd like to leave me a message on here telling me about your life, or even what you got out of my autobiographical introspection, I'd love to hear it, because most things that occur are enigmatic to me, and must be deciphered by the rosetta stone of another person. Thank you again, With love, 
